SharpAllegro is a .NET wrapper for Allegro Game Programming Library.
Sharp Allegro aim is to ease game development in C#/ by using well developed libraries such as Allegro, AllegroGL, MASkinG, and so on…
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You can find source code in svn repositiory:
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I have been using Sharp Allegro since its first announcement on the forums.
I’ve tried all Allegro C# wrappers that I’ve come across and can say that Sharp Allegro is the best, and probably the only one still mantained.
Sure there’s a lot that can be questioned about the need of such wrapper. One can say that Allegro 4.x is outdated, or that a C# wrapper is somewhat a overkill. But to me there are two main concerns that justifies the use (and development) of Sharp Allegro:
1) I’m (and most people are) more familiar with Allegro 4.x than Allegro 5. I don’t want to learn Allegro 5 just yet, and I already know Allegro 4.x to almost its full extent.
2) The aim of Sharp Allegro says it all: it eases the development by allowing a much more cleaner, neater language (C#) and IDE (VS 2010). To the average programmer that means a lot!
Of course, there’s always room for improvement. I would cite the following off the top of my head:
– Refactor the native Allegro 4.x function names to the de facto naming conventions of .NET.
– Add the complete set of functions of Allegro 4.x, especially some missing ‘voice’ funtions.
Anyways, Sharp Allegro seems to fill a gap that may exist in a very specific niche, and that’s why it deserves the utmost respect.
Eugenio… keep it going bro and thanks for all the hard work!
Forgot to say: you know what would be very cool and USEFUL?
If you could provide a Allegro load_bitmap routine that loads from a memory (stream) Windows GDI Bitmap.
That would be very nice.
I, for one, have zero understanding of the Windows GDI.
Best regards.
Are you going to develop a version for Allegro 5? For those of us who have never used Allegro 4, it would be very helpful.
Actually I have already developed a quite ready version.
If you want to try it you can find source code here:
Still I need some bits and some time to clean it up before publishing.
Indeed if there’s interest around it I could try to speed up the process…
Great! I’ll definitely check it out.
Any idea why the GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN does not work in fullscreen with any resolution? I tried the C version of the allegro and it works in fullscreen.
You’re absolutely right, there was an hardcoded windowed mode I left for testing purposes.
I released a quick fix, you can find it in the downloads section.
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Is it possible to upload AllegroSharp and AllegroSharp5 to nuget where we can easily download it and use it?
Sure, I’ll give it a try
Thankyou so much! please try to package the native allegro dll with the nuget package.