Since the first release seemed a bit too quick & dirty, I saved some time to make sharpmines a bit more complete.
Here follows the list of major changes, for a complete list take a look at the CHANGES file inside the release package.
Since the first release seemed a bit too quick & dirty, I saved some time to make sharpmines a bit more complete.
Here follows the list of major changes, for a complete list take a look at the CHANGES file inside the release package.
Yep, I said KA-BOOM!
As often happens I was bored…and while playing minesweeper for some real fun I decided to try and write myself a minesweeper clone.
I didn’t want to spend so much time on it, but I wanted it to be good-looking at the least.
So this time I went for the free-graphics approach, and found a wonderful design at Lost Garden blog released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Credits go to: “Iron Plague” art by Daniel Cook (