After some feedback I received from collegues and comments I dediced to release a quick update of sharprd.
List of major changes after the break…
- Added a description property to connection available as a tooltip
- Changed default value of “Hide when minimized” option
- Ensured only one instance could be run at the same time
- Implemented explicit save
- Refreshed application icon (more Vista/7 compliant)
- Avoided crashing if no connection is available
- Upgraded sharpupdater to latest version
- Fixed new connection adding bugs
- Started developing send connection as attachment function
- Made TextInputDialog not resizable
Also we had an O.S. upgrade forcing me to use Windows 7, so I took the chance to refresh the application icon to better fit the new interface.
As always, if you use and like this product, feel free to comment with suggestions, bugfixes or change request, so I can make SharpRD better fit your needs.
It would be useful to have a further fuction on the right-click-menu that allow to “duplicate a preset” (connection), maybe giving the same name of the original plus (n) at the end. (the same protocol used by the OS during the file-copy)
The program SharpRD would be more standard having the “About” menu, reporting the program version.